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Fuel your curiosity with our curated podcasts, insightful blogs, and inspiring Entrepreneurs’ Corner.

Featured Podcasts

Exclusive Interview:

Founder and CEO of CSE Virtuals Shares Insights and Vision

Gain Valuable Industry Perspectives and Discover CSE Virtuals Innovation Journey

Latest Episodes

Trust and Enjoy the Journey Part 1

Hosted by Stacy Pringle

Sharing insights and wisdom about trusting and enjoying the journey.

Trust and Enjoy the Journey Part 2

Hosted by Stacy Pringle

Sharing insights and wisdom about trusting and enjoying the journey.

Freedom of her Mindset

Hosted by Jessica Barratt

A chat with Nechola Lawrence about her origins, challenges, life and how she empowered herself. 


Boost Your Productivity Image
By By: Nickie Lawrence 11 Aug, 2023
Discover the power of time blocking, a highly effective technique for maximizing productivity and staying organized. Learn how to prioritize tasks, minimize distractions, and achieve higher efficiency. Explore the benefits of focused work and elevate your productivity with insights from Nickie Lawrence at CSE Virtuals.
Organized Desk Image
By By: Nickie Lawrence 11 Aug, 2023
Discover effective strategies to boost your organization and productivity. From calendar management tools to time blocking and self-care, we share our favorite ways to stay organized and maintain a balanced, successful life. Explore these practical tips and make organization a lifestyle.
Build Emotional Resilience Image
By By: Nickie Lawrence 14 Jul, 2023
Discover essential strategies to navigate life's ups and downs while building emotional resilience. Nickie Lawrence shares valuable insights on adopting gratitude, meditation, pursuing passions, seeking support from loved ones, and accessing professional counseling when needed. Learn how to thrive amidst adversity.
Virtual Assistant Handshake Image
By By: Nickie Lawrence 04 Jul, 2023
Discover the benefits of partnering with a Virtual Assistant (VA) as an entrepreneur or small business owner. Nickie Lawrence explains what VAs do, qualities to look for in a VA, effective communication, and how time tracking tools can enhance your efficiency. Take the first step to regain control of your time and prioritize business growth.
Productivity at Business Image
By By: Nickie Lawrence 02 Jul, 2023
Explore seven expert productivity tips curated for busy entrepreneurs. Join Nickie Lawrence as she shares insights on planning ahead, compartmentalizing tasks, delegation, minimizing distractions, avoiding multitasking, taking breaks, and staying hydrated. Maximize your efficiency and success in the entrepreneurial world.
Efficient Business Image
By By: Nickie Lawrence 01 Jul, 2023
Join Nickie Lawrence as she shares four essential steps to transform your business into a well-organized and efficient powerhouse. Discover prioritization techniques, organization strategies, automation tips, and the art of delegation. Streamline your business operations and elevate your success today!

The Entrepreneurs’ Corner

Are you a new VA or thinking about becoming one?

We love to share what we know.

Sign up now for a FREE copy of our guide!

Secrets of Success: Becoming an Exceptional Virtual Assistant


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