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Three Ways I Stay Productive and Organized

By: Nickie Lawrence

One of my passions is keeping organized and I love to help my clients do the same. Being organized isn’t easy, but it can be simple. I always recommend taking small steps, because the goal is to make this a lifestyle, and also fun and measurable so I am sharing my favorite ways I keep organized and focused.

Compartmentalizing is a great way to start, which leads me to my first tip. Calendaring.

(1) Calendar Management

As an entrepreneur or busy executive, your calendar can rule your life or ruin your day, if you are not making IT work for YOU. More than likely, you have at least one personal calendar and another for business, so ensuring your appointments don’t overlap is essential. And if you are managing more than two calendars, it’s crucial. 

My favorite tool is Calendly. No more going back and forth trying to find the perfect time and date to schedule a meeting with others, I just send my meeting link and the recipient can see the dates and times I am available and select a time that works for us both. Easy right?  Calendly offers great features in its free version such as: 

  • Connecting one calendar (great if you want to sync a personal calendar to your business calendar or vice versa) 
  • Create one active event type (such as a discovery session) and unlimited meetings.
  • Send automated event notifications, such as meeting reminders and updates.
  • Add Calendly to your website, so potential clients can schedule a meeting directly from your site.
  • Integrate Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams etc.

The paid versions, starting at $8 per month (at time of this posting) offer more customization and up to 6 calendar integrations, personalized email reminders and workflows as well as accepting payments.

(2) Time Management

Managing multiple clients and a growing business and new ventures requires me to remain focused to get the most out of each moment of my day. I also want to feel accomplished when my day ends, and I rely on Time blocking to keep me focused on my priorities. 

I plan my day ahead, so when I wake up in the morning, I already know what I plan to accomplish that day.  Hint: This is one of my favorite productivity tips! 

I create a list of all the goals and tasks I need to accomplish and organize them by order of priority then set about allocating time on my calendar, making sure to schedule the priority items first. The amount of time allocated for each task depends on the complexity of the item.

I also include meetings and personal appointments as well as breaks which keep me refreshed and help me maintain focus. 

Time blocking can be adapted to suit any lifestyle and work schedule and is an effective way to maintain a structured and organized day which can result in less stress as it provides superb time management and reduces procrastination. 

(3) Selfcare

Prioritizing self care is an integral part of maintaining a healthy wellbeing both physically and mentally. When we consistently output, it’s important to recharge and replenish to stave off burnout and stress. 

Some of my favorite ways to give back to myself are Pilates, morning walks in nature, reading, meditation, spending time with loved ones, basically any activity that makes me feel I am living a full and balanced life. 

Taking care of ourselves isn’t a mere luxury but should be our top priority. If we are depleted, it affects every aspect of our life, including our ability to achieve our goals, and attain, maintain, and enjoy the level of success we desire. 

Prioritizing our mental, emotional, and physical health improves our focus, creativity, decision-making, and resilience. It is also helpful in maintaining a healthy work-life balance and prevents burnout to keep us in the game for the long haul. 

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