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Four Key Steps to a More Organized & Efficient Business

By: Nickie Lawrence

Step 1: Prioritize

Have you ever started your day with a task list so long that you feel defeated before you begin? Or notice that more time is spent being “busy” than “productive”? With multiple squeaky wheels (emails, projects, phone calls, deadlines, meetings, etc.) vying for attention, it’s not hard to get derailed, which could spell disaster in the long run.

Over the next four posts, I will be presenting Four Key Steps to a More Organized & Efficient Business. Today’s installment on Prioritization provides an easy to follow, yet solid framework.

(1) Create a list of ALL projects and tasks that are needing to be completed. Being able to see what needs to be done will ensure that even the most mundane task is counted.

(2) Prioritize projects and tasks based on impact to the business. What are those tasks that directly influence your bottom line? These will be your number one priority.

Once steps 1 and 2 are complete, further divide the list into categories:

  • Urgent and Important: These should be done first without hesitancy
  • Important but not urgent: These should be next on the list for completion
  • Urgent, but not important: Mark these for delegation
  • Neither urgent nor important: These should be removed from your task list 

The goal of prioritization is to ensure that attention is being directed to activities that move the wheel toward business growth and success. 

Too much for you to handle? Remember, I’m here to help! 

Step 2: Organize

Being organized is such an important ingredient in maintaining a successful business. 

Once you’ve prioritized your projects it’s now time to get to work. 

  • Declutter your workspace – Having a clean work environment increases concentration and reduces distractions. The same holds true for the computer, both the files and folders as well as the desktop.
  • Create your to-do list a day ahead. 
  • Break down your larger projects into smaller tasks – This will help you manage the project as well as serve as an encouragement to continue working towards your larger goal.
  • Mark items off the list as they are completed – Doing this provides ease of mind and a sense of accomplishment.

Step 3: Automate

The use of technology plays a major role in our daily lives, and there are many ways to use it to enhance efficiency even further. In this segment, I bring you Automation as the third step in the series.

  • Identify repetitive tasks – The more routine the task, the more can be gained by automating that process
  • Choose the tools that are suitable for your needs and budget – There are quite a lot of platforms on the market that offer automation, so research is key. Many offer a free trial which is a bonus! 
  • Examples of tasks to automate – Email marketing, social media posting, lead generation, customer outreach. 

Mailchimp and ConvertKit offer email marketing solutions and Zoho and Hootsuite assist with scheduled social media postings. There are MANY others, so it's important to choose a platform based on what feels best for you. 

Alas, not all tasks are suitable for automation. Tasks requiring creative thinking and heavy human interaction should not be automated. But every little bit helps and automating even one task means one less thing to take you away from building your bottom line.

Step 4: Delegate/Collaborate

Many business owners are suffering from burnout because of excessive workload. Maintaining a successful and growing business is no easy feat. Managing every aspect of the business is not sustainable, or practical, and will stifle business growth and negatively impact your health.

As I outlined in the Prioritization step, any task earmarked as “urgent but not important” should be delegated. These are tasks and projects that are necessary but do not justify occupying your valuable time. 

Below are a few guidelines to assist in identifying what to delegate/collaborate

  • Review your Priorities list. What tasks are you performing that do not directly drive business to your door or feed your bottom line, but are still necessary?
  • What tasks have you been procrastinating because it’s outside your scope of expertise?
  • Are there projects on your list that you need to share, either because of the project size of gap in knowledge? 

As a Virtual Assistant and business owner myself, I know that delegating involves trusting someone else to help execute your vision. It may not be easy, but it’s necessary to fully achieve the level of success you envision. 

If you are at the stage in your business where delegation is a must, I would love the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how I can help you take your business to the next level. 

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